Coaching Programs & Products

Self-improvement & business growth requires some sense of balance. Search for challenges to push yourself to the edge while continuing to make enough progress to stay motivated!

Are you a woman who started her business with the hope of making a difference in the lives of your clients, only to find that your groups aren't filling up as quickly as you had hoped?

Trust me, I've been there too! And to make matters worse, the cost of doing business can be daunting, especially when revenue is slow to come in. But don't worry, because I have an amazing story to share with you!

In my first year of business, I found myself with a mere $2.84 in my business bank account. It was a challenging time, to say the least. But then, something incredible happened that changed the course of my coaching journey forever. I made a bold decision to invest $10,000 in coaching, & let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made.

Fast forward 10+ years, & my return on investment continues to grow. Today, I have the privilege of coaching women from all around the world. Together, we focus on how to spend more time serving clients & less time/money on acquiring clients.

Now, let me ask you…Would it be worth it for you to invest in a program that delivers results for years to come? I believe the answer’s a resounding “Yes!

Introducing my 12-week signature program, M3=Mind, Motivation, & Mission Performance Method. This program’s customized to transform your business by helping you achieve the following outcomes:

  1. A comprehensive analysis of the foundation of your business, filling any gaps that may exist.

  2. A deep understanding of your current position in a saturated market, along with a defined strategy to make you stand out among your competitors.

  3. A heightened awareness of your mind, motivation, & mission, & how they impact your business.

  4. Precise knowledge of your avatar's mind, motivation, & mission, enabling you to craft customized messages that resonate with them. You’ll be speaking fluent avatar in no time!

  5. Step-by-step guidance to maximize your performance as a small business owner, including A/B testing of messages.

  6. A decision-making strategy that saves you time/money, ensuring you make sound business choices.

  7. Unique strategies tailored to your unique value proposition & avatar so that you can have a steady flow of clients.

  8. The identification of new customer segments to explore, reserved exclusively for Level II & Level III clients.

  9. Clear 90-day, 180-day, & 365-day business goals with actionable strategies for successful achievement.

  10. & much, much more!

M3: Mind, Motivation, & Mission Performance Method LEVEL I

On Your Own, 1:1 coaching with me during weeks 1 & 12. $1,999, every week for 12 weeks you’ll receive an ebook & accompanying workbook to work through & create results.


1.    Expanded Creativity

2.    Customized Learning Experience that Meets Your Unique Needs & Abilities

3.    Freedom to Schedule Your Learning

4.    Working at Own Pace Slashes Stress

5.    Mastery of Skills & Knowledge Increases Your Confidence

6.    Improves Self-Discipline

7.    Greater Independence to Implement Newly Developed Skills

8.    Meaningful Clarity Around All Aspects of Your Business

9.    Step-By-Step Guidance that Saves You Time & Money

10. Reduction in Costly Mistakes

11. Growth as a Small Business Owner

M3 LEVEL I’s for the time-poor, cash-strapped woman who wants complete control over the direction of & methods used in her business. She’s willing to learn about bolstering her skills as a small business owner. She’s concerned about overwhelm but appreciates the structure of having content dripped out weekly. She wants the autonomy & flexibility to work independently & make her own decisions. She’s fearful that a coach may not share the same level of enthusiasm for her business & her unique vision. Lastly, she wants the personal satisfaction & fulfillment that comes from building a business alone.


M3: Mind, Motivation, & Mission Performance Method LEVEL II

Do It Yourself/Done With You hybrid, $3,999, every week for 12 weeks you’ll receive an ebook & accompanying workbook to work through & create results; twice monthly 1:1 private coaching with me to discuss progress & process results.


1.    Accountability

2.    Meaningful Clarity Around All Aspects of Your Business

3.    Fresh, Objective Perspective

4.    Reduces Loss of Focus

5.    Improves Self-Discipline

6.    Support & Step-By-Step Guidance

7.    Increased Productivity

8.    Improved Harmony Between Life & Business

9.    Creation of Messaging that Attracts Your Avatar

10. Reduction in Costly Mistakes

11. Weakened Analysis Paralysis

12. Growth as a Small Business Owner

M3 LEVEL II’s for the woman who’s willing to roll up her sleeves & get to working in & on her business. She’s motivated by increased revenue, efficient uses of her time, & weakening her analysis paralysis. She recognizes that overwhelm will creep in but has the basic skills to manage. She wants to develop & execute effective marketing messages that speak directly to her avatar so that she attracts new clients & generates more business. She’s a great at her craft but questions her ability as a small business owner, she’s willing to learn so that she can take her business to the next level. This woman deeply desires harmony between her life & her business, she’s also conscious about stress & burnout.


marketing, social media, business
marketing, social media, business

M3: Mind, Motivation, & Mission Performance Method LEVEL III

Done With You, $7,777, every week for 12 weeks you’ll receive an ebook & accompanying workbook to work through & create results; once weekly 1:1 private coaching with me to discuss growth & process results. Plus, weekly emails to review progress in between sessions.


1.    Weekly Accountability

2.    Profound Clarity around All Aspects of Your Business

3.    Fresh, Objective Perspective

4.    Hone Critical Thinking Skills as a Small Business Owner

5.    Decision Making Skills are Mastered

6.    Loss of Focus is Eliminated

7.    Beautiful Harmony Between Life & Business

8.    Support & Guidance during Uncertain Times

9.    Increased Productivity so that You Accomplish More in Less Time

10. Clear & Concise Messaging to the Maximize Attraction of Your Avatar

11. Costly Mistakes are Eliminated Saving You Time & Money

12. Substantial Growth as a Small Business Owner

13. Elevated Self-Confidence as a Small Business Owner

14. Quickly Move Prospects through Sales Funnel

15. No More Analysis Paralysis

16. Perseverance Muscle is Strengthened

M3 LEVEL III’s for the woman who’s willing to roll up her sleeves & get shit done. She’s extraordinarily motivated by increased revenue, streamlined processes, efficient uses of her time, & eliminating analysis paralysis. She recognizes that stress & overwhelm will creep in from time-to-time but has the skills to manage. She wants to develop & execute effective marketing messages that speak directly to her avatar so that she attracts new dream clients & continually generates more business. This woman deeply desires to build strong client relationships so that she can spend more time serving her clients & less time/money in the future acquiring clients [turn clients into salespeople]. She’s a great at her craft but can question her ability as a small business owner. She’s willing to learn so that she can take her business to the next level…then the next…& the next! This woman deeply craves harmony between her life & her business.


“Mermaids symbolize feminine power, they remind us that we each have a beautiful free spirit deep within us. You taught me to become the mermaid I've always wanted to be. Long may she swim!”

— Marcy P.

marketing, social media, business

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